Your RV Compared To Your House

house rv

Your RV is not like your house. When you buy a new or even an older home, there are many things you don’t have to worry about for a few years. Unless your roof is missing shingles or has holes in it, it usually does not leak. Windows on your home are normally well-sealed and watertight. The water heater, furnace, and air conditioner in your home will provide many years of trouble-free service. In most cases, your home must conform to many building codes and standards of construction that provide a level of comfort.

However, your home does not roll down the highway at 55+ miles per hour, hitting potholes, and getting slightly twisted and turned just by using it as intended. Nor is your RV built with rigid standards of construction or strict building codes. It is no wonder then, that many RV owners are faced with leaks in the roof, windows, and walls or with appliances that either aren’t working at all or work inefficiently.

If you are considering the purchase of an RV, new (yes, new RV’s have problems) or used, consider a professional inspection. If you already have an RV, but haven’t checked or don’t know how to check, consider a professional inspection.

Checking your RV roof, windows, and appliances are just some of the things we look at in our inspections.

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