It seems to work best if you, the purchaser, find the RV you are interested in purchasing and discuss (negotiate) a price that you are willing to pay based on the assumption that what the seller has represented to you is correct and that the purchase is contingent on the completion of a professional inspection by Quality RV Inspections by Art Horton LLC.  Be clear about what you expect and get it in writing. Your independent inspector will inspect the RV using the Quality RV inspection by Art Horton LLC scope of inspection detailed checklist. The Inspection Report will identify the current state of the RV. After the inspection is completed, report and pictures reviewed the report will be emailed to you.   Once you have reviewed the report and pictures you will then be able to make an informed decision on how you wish to proceed. If the inspection finds issues that concern you, then have alternatives. You can renegotiate the purchase price based on the inspection report or you can request the seller to fix the items of concern or you can walk away from the purchase. However, make sure that you specify, and in writing, that the purchase is contingent on an inspection from an independent inspector of your choice to confirm what the seller has represented to be true.